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Microphone on students!!

Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture students, who started their speech by saying that public spaces
are lively spaces, drew attention to the fact that the context has begun to be considered in two dimensions: sight and hearing.
They mentioned that with the pandemic conditions, people's quarantine and online activities accelerated individualization.
They said that with the social distance that comes with the quarantine, what we feel on the street (touching concrete,
sitting in a cafe, etc.) moved away from us. Referring to the spatial change of balconies, they pointed out that they used to
be interface spaces, now they have gained public characteristics. They ended their words by stating that we would
not be able to realize many things without the platforms we are currently in, hoppin zoom etc.

Later, BAU KGK Architecture Team, who took the microphone, touched on online architectural education.
They stated that Bahçeşehir University was able to adapt very quickly and continue their current courses without lagging
behind the academic calendar, as some of the courses in preparation for the current online conditions are conducted
face-to-face. They stated that Bahçeşehir University is with them both in terms of technical matters and materials and that
they do not suffer them in this process. They stated that they could use the workshops very comfortably by following the rules
in hybrid education conditions before the restrictions during the pandemic. Referring to the advantages and disadvantages of
the pandemic process, the team stated that they were deprived of the lack of campus life as a disadvantage, the lack of
communication on online platforms due to technical reasons and the trips that would contribute to the professional culture,
as the advantages were that people who were far away from the campus could attend classes more comfortably and
effortlessly, and the need to move materials used in architecture was not required. and they mentioned that he had one-to-one
critical opportunity with the teachers.

Within the scope of Open Microphone 01...

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Finally, Yıldız Technical University students, who took the
microphone, discussed architecture over concerns.
Economic Anxiety as the first guest:
When labor, time and responsibility are involved, my place
increases. Students are frustrated when their expectations for
regular salary increases and regular salary are not met. Why
would anyone give me a project? he introduced himself.
Second guest Ideal Anxiety:
I relapse in an environment where architecture and practice
clash. While the architect learns to protect cultural values, the
municipality breaks down. Contractors standardize while the
architect learns authenticity. He said wrong decisions are made
without sufficient information.

Success Anxiety as the third guest:
What we add to ourselves is a big part of learning. How hard
can we try, will our efforts be enough in the face of
opportunities? I had great battles with critics and ego,
sometimes I was crushed, sometimes I was defeated. He said I
shouldn't be more than it should be.
Time Anxiety as the fourth guest:
I have a lot of places to visit ... Not everyone has to spend time
with their friends, watch a new movie, and go to their favorite
band's concert. Then I set my goal to sleep and reduced my

Yıldız Technical University, which is an open call, concluded by
announcing where it is effective, by saying that we can share
the guests of concern within us with them.

Open Microphone will continue…

The workshop continued with the development of the design ideas determined yesterday. It was discussed how to add a Handbook for the City to be formed at the end of the workshop and how people can be presented with presentation techniques in the presentation that will be on Wednesday. we will be. Don't worry... You will be able to access the products on the same day from the newsletter.

Future Archive I Production Starts with Daily Living Memory Workshop !!! 


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The workshop, its facilitators; Nagehan Açımuz İşbakan, Hülya Turgut and Sena Serdaroğlu. At the beginning of the workshop, their efforts to keep their communication strong with the
workshop participants and the instant voice response to the comments attracted great attention. With this workshop, we rethink our daily experiences and map out the gradual lockdown (movement restrictions, quarantine) in pandemic processes and daily individual routines in restricted freedom practices, express them with concepts, redefine concepts, redefine "lockdown" for possible future applications, all this It was aimed by the
executives to create a common “lockdown dictionary” with mapping and the generation, derivation and discussion of concepts.
The workshop continued with the mapping of the thoughts we create in our minds / creating mental maps and visualizing them with different tools through the video that will be on air for 4 hours. The concepts to be produced by the participants and the maps created over 5 different routines were brought together in a file within the given time. While the participants were producing, an interactive workshop in which Nagehan Açımuz İşbakan, Hülya Turgut and Sena Serdaroğlu were active and followed constantly found its place in the festival. The workshoppresentation will take place on December 10th.
You can also access the content produced later from the
"lockdown_workshop" account.

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Open Route: Discover Sarıyer with KarDes!

With the narration of Rudi Sayat Pulatyan from KarDes team
and architectural historian Zafer Akay, the stories of Azaryan
Mansion in Sarıyer, Beyaz Park Casino, Russian Embassy
Summer Building, Mermaid Eftalya and Kocataş Mansion were
presented. Other structures on the route were mentioned.
Hoped to be physical, but this online festival was a discovery
that can make you feel a bit of physicality. You can also access
the described points, route and more through the application.
You can download the KarDes: Multicultural Memory Tours
Guide mobile application with the following QR codes.

Let's wander! Let's find out!

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muhayyel kentler atlası kolaj ve yazılar
muhayyel kentler atlası kolaj ve yazılar
muhayyel kentler atlası kolaj ve yazılar

The Imaginary City Atlas Workshop

The imaginary city atlas workshop started with the introduction of the participants. Continued with

the presentation of the executives.

Is it really the paradigm in the urban context that is floating?
It makes the paradigm seem to shift as things belonging to the city change. We may be looking from limited frames. We will look at how we can shift the fixed paradigm that seems to be shifting on an urban scale during the workshop process. We tryto find solutions to the problems in different geographies (Izmir
earthquake, 1999 earthquake, Erzincan earthquake) with the same approaches. Whereas the place is different, the historical process is different. It is viewed from a certain perspective. We will bring a different perspective from the workshop process.

As the interaction between cities increases, the differences between cities decrease. Even if there are different geographies, cities repeat each other. Although there are differences when looking at the structural scale from the urban scale, when they come together they present the same paradigm. Urban designers and architects view them as limited frames, and static and uniform cities are formed.

You'll be the thing to shift the paradigm Get rid of your architect identity! Cyber ​​Flaneurs!
In fact, what is required from the participants is cyber flaneur.The cities that we all experience will come together to form a new city. It is also within our aim to criticize what the architect and city planner does, because as an architect figure, we look at certain scales and rules

Then, 2 questions were asked to the participants and their answers were collected diagrammatically. 4 of these words that stand out were chosen to be used in the city story that the participants will create. By combining these words with various combinations, the participants will determine which city the word
corresponds to and write it on the table. Participants who will be traveling with a map over the internet will show their figures by moving them on the map.

What are the main elements that reflect the physical character of cities?

What are the intellectual / emotional actions towards the city?

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muhayyel kentler atlası kolaj ve yazılar

By Aykut Köksal, Hakan Çalışlar and Korhan Gümüş; 02 speech in cosmos, which was held as the next session of the open ache event on Sunday, moderated by Zühre Sözeri, started.
Why do we head towards the islands, take it as a protection context? Where are the islands located? The architecture of the islands was described by Aykut Köksal as "hybrid" in one word, because it lost its old charm and transferred to different parts of the cities in the last fifty years. As these islands ceased to be places of attraction, it brought the need for protection. It wasmentioned that the wooden civil a rchitecture of the 1970s left its place to the reinforced concrete wood-covered architecture. .
The effects of the architects living on the islands on this modern change and the transformation of the islands into the exhibition space of architects were discussed. It was mentioned that the concept of cosmos, which is the title, was chosen correctly and
that the islands form a micro cosmos.

CosmosAda 02: Carving the Traces of a Different Modernity 



Later, it was stated that there was no mention of an architectural product made in the last 30-40 years, and that architecture was hampered by the regulations on the islands. With the declining Greek population, the sociological structure has been affected and it has been said that the islanders and investors have become incapacitated. The reason for the good build quality was attributed to the different and skillful apprentice relationship of the masters.
Finally, he touched on issues such as the islands" relation to utopias in history, that the history of modernization on the islands may be ending, the concept of conservation creates problems in the islands and the need to be aware of the fact that wood is a modern material; The future of the patriarchate, restoration knowledge, safety and care of the horses are discussed in a pleasant discussion environment; Questions from the audience were answered.

Kriz Anında İstanbul...

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What is being talked about in Istanbul started with the Istanbul Barometer, which was established to produce correct policies with the right data and the right data.
There are economic analysis about the participants in this magazine.
The participants see the most important problem of Istanbul as an earthquake.
Social policies are produced based on these data.
City Council President Tülin Hadi:
We also use these data. We verify our own information by comparing it with this data. Emergency problems are the current earthquake and disaster, the drought and water shortage problem that comes with the climate crisis and social issues (migration, education, etc.)

Kiptaş Strategies Ali Kurt:
Our priority is earthquake and social housing applications. We made offers to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. We are developing actions that are not shared with the public.
We want the expected project to be economical, good and on-site transformation. We do not have commercial concerns. We are developing a project without damaging the tissue in the
"What do you have to avoid the disadvantages of transformation on a parcel basis?"

As Kiptaş, we worked on how to solve the idea. Every place has a different character. Risky building stock is high in Istanbul.

Tülin Hadi:
The issue is divided into two stages before and after the earthquake. It is very important to look at it holistically. A city that brings the water of Istanbul from other places receives immigration from the places it brings.
Istanbul Urban Analysis Report:
With the channel Istanbul, Istanbul has lost 25% of its agricultural lands, and this will reach 40%.
What is the City Council?
The city council is a citizens' assembly.
Expressing needs to improve the quality of life and environment in the city without taking over the authority responsibilities of the metropolitan municipality, developing suggestions and monitoring the budget with strategic plans.
The city council is an institution that does not advertise ibb as the controller of the ibb. It creates

with housing projects that will strengthen intergenerational interaction and solutions to

Small-Scale Spatial Discoveries Workshop


On the 3rd and last day of the Small-Scale Spatial Discoveries
workshop, space bending; it ended with games of filling the
gap, traveling to the sea of ​​memories and transition to the
parallel universe. They discovered the void spaces they
discovered, danced inside and observed the effects on these
spaces, they processed the destructions around and the effect
these destructions had on them and the coordination of their
positions, as the last game they thought of a reality in their
minds and created questions of their own possible realities and
moved into the parallel universe. The explorers, who found the
golden key and finished the game, met face to face at the Small
Scale Explorers' Gathering at 18:00. The presentation of the
workshop will take place on December 10, 17.00-18.00. We are
so excited to see what the explorers have been up to.

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Ankara’da bulunan Cin Ali Müzesinin Sorumlusu Selma Dölek, çocukların yoğun ilgi gösterdiği bu etkinliğe Cin Ali müzesinden canlı bağlanarak katıldı. Müzede Cin Ali’nin ailesinden ve babası olarak tanıtılan yaratıcısı Rasim Kaygusuz’un yarattığı çocuk oyunlarından bahseden Dölek, daha sonrasında çocuklara “Cin Ali Çocuk Bahçesinde” adlı kitabın animasyonunu izletti.

Selma Dölek çocuklarla yapılan karşılıklı sohbetten sonra üç filin hikayesini anlattı ve bu hikayeye bağlı olarak çocuklardan çıkarım yapmalarını istedi. Bu tarz hikayelerin öneminden bahsedip aslında yaşanılan her şeyin bir hikaye olduğunu, geçmişte var olduğunu bildiğimiz her şeyin hikayelerle bugüne geldiğini anlatan Dölek; çocuklara da çevrelerinde gözlemledikleri her şeyin bir hikayesini yazabileceklerinden ve gördükleri her şeyi kaydedebileceklerinden bahsetti.

Bir Cin Ali şarkısıyla son verilen bu etkinlikte bütün çocuklar şarkıyı hep bir ağızdan söyledi ve hepsi çok eğlendiklerini ifade ettiler.


"Cin Ali in the Children's Garden"


We don't have humor because of cried for jury.

Keep laughing tomorrow.

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